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Common Mistakes that Make the Move-In Process Harder than it Needs to Be

2 minute read

As a property manager, you’re probably aware of just how difficult and time-consuming the move-in process can be. Even if no large mistakes are made by the team, you still might have noticed yourself wasting time on paperwork, chasing down residents for necessary information, and desperately trying to keep everything organized while you sort out other problems.

Below are some common mistakes you might be making that complicate the move-in process. 

1. Not Automating

One of the most common property management mistakes is failing to automate simple tasks, such as sending the welcome letter and collecting necessary forms. Having to track down residents for this information wastes your time and can easily be avoided by using a move-in software such as MuvnDay, which keeps track of tasks and avoids the need for manual communication before the move-in date. 

2. Being Unprepared for Multiple Move-Ins

It’s important for property management companies to be prepared in case of rapid growth. With 80% of move-ins occurring between April and September1, property managers need to be prepared for multiple move-ins occurring simultaneously. If you waste a lot of time on menial, easily automated tasks, you might be in a tough spot during this time. Having the proper systems in place can make it much easier to keep track of residents and move-ins. The best way to prepare is to use a move-in solution such as MuvnDay, as this cuts down the time spent by the property manager, allowing them to focus on more important tasks.

3. Not Making Community Rules Clear

To avoid infringements on the community rules, it’s important for the property management team to make all rules and the consequences of those rules clear from the very beginning. That way, residents cannot claim they were unaware of the rules, and they have to accept whatever consequences you may impose on them.

Additionally, when mistakes are made, many property managers hurt themselves by being too lenient with residents. It’s important to stick to the policy so residents can’t get upset over any negative consequences, and it avoids them making the same mistakes again.

4. Not Communicating with Residents Enough

Another mistake property managers make is failing to communicate enough with their residents. In the weeks leading up to the move-in, the property manager should make sure that all forms, documents, and tasks are completed and sent to the property management team before the move-in date so the move-in can run smoothly. Failing to communicate with the resident until the last minute might result in a delayed move-in, wasting your time and leaving your resident with a negative first impression of the management team.

It’s easy to make small mistakes during the move-in process that cause greater problems later on. To avoid these mistakes, the best thing you can do is automate the process with a software application, simplifying move-ins, preventing avoidable mistakes, and giving you more time to focus on tasks that really matter.


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